This is generally used for the JOB or ITEM field of a TIMEACT record. The name of the Project Group for this time entry. Client Portfolio), you still use for the variable name. Note that even if you customized the terminology and renamed Project Group to something else (e.g. Client), you still use for the variable name. Note that even if you customized the terminology and renamed Customer to something else (e.g. The ID of the Customer for this time entry. This is generally used for the EMP field of a TIMEACT record. The name of the employee, formatted as "Firstname Lastname". The name of the employee, formatted "Lastname, Firstname". Client), you still use for the variable name.
The name of the Customer for this time entry. The time entry billable flag, with the value "0" if the time entry is not billable, or "1" if the time entry is billable. This is generally used for the NOTE field of a TIMEACT record. This is generally used for the DURATION field of a TIMEACT record. The time entry hours, formatted as hours:minutes (the standard QuickBooks hours format).
Some older versions of QuickBooks require this format. If you leave this as $, only formatted as M/DD/YY. You may need to modify the template to replace the example value with your specific value, otherwise QuickBooks may generate a warning message when importing the data. You can find this information by first running an Timer Activity export in QuickBooks and viewing the output. The release number of the QuickBooks Timer. You will need to modify the template replacing the example value with your specific value. The version number of the QuickBooks Timer, for example 7.